Our Story


My story is not a story from this reality.

The 9th Commandment of Access is: Do Not Listen To, Tell, or Buy the Story.

Stories are the justification for what people are choosing, as though they had no choice but to choose that.

You don’t need to have a reason for anything. You just chose it.

I've always knew that there is something different in, with and about this world.

When I was little, I was smiling and saying "Hi" to everybody on the street. No barriers, no fear, but invitation to a different space, oneness.

I had these capacities, this thing called awareness, which I had no idea how to use, and a lot of knowing, which again, I had no idea how to have fun with it, instead of suffering.
I knew I was of a special kind, even if it unknowledged by others and not really showing up in my life.

Then I stubbled upon Access Consciousness and its tools.
5 months later, I became the youngest and fastest Certified Facilitator.
A phenomenal lady, creator and facilitator of magnitude, as Dr. Dain Heer would tell you, about me.

That ain't too easy or normal at 18 years old, you would say..
But it's available for you to choose at any given time or situation.

I would like a different future for us and our Planet.

Whether it's about handling life, money, love, feelings, business, shame, bodies, sex, family, your country, contribution.. I know there is a different possibility available!

Would you like us together to instill all these possibilities?