Clasa Intermediară Vorbește cu entitățile - București și online

Clasa Intermediară Vorbește cu entitățile - București și online

Acum că ați descoperit instrumentele de bază ale Vorbește cu Entitățile Începutul, sunteți gata să vă intensificați angajamentul cu lumea spiritelor cu clasa Intermediară?

Extindeți-vă capacitățile de comunicare și deschideți-vă la mai multe dintre darurile care sunt oferite.

Ce întrebări mai aveți și ce conștientizare ați dori să explorați?

Primiți manualul intermediar plin de instrumente și informații extinse.

Conștientizarea vă va crește viața. Alegerea este a ta.

Aceasta este o nouă condiție pentru toate cursurile avansate viitoare.

Clasa Intermediară are loc în 6 octombrie, orele 10.00-17.00, în București.

Preț clasa întreagă: 3350 RON/ 2350 RON prețul de repetare a clasei, pentru cei cu reședința în România.

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Vorbește cu entitățile clasa Intermediară în București și online
from €438.75
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Clasa Vorbește cu entitățile - București și online
to Sep 15

Clasa Vorbește cu entitățile - București și online

Câtă energie folosești ca să-ți tai conștientizarea despre lumea spiritelor?

Cui îi era, de fapt, frică de entități? Ție sau cuiva cu care ai crescut?

Vorbește cu Entitățile e introducerea pentru a vedea lumea într-un mod complet diferit.

Dacă lumea spiritelor nu e ceva de care să-ți fie frică, dar, mai degrabă, ceva cu care să lucrezi?

Ce fel de educație despre entități ai primi? Una bună, una proastă sau deloc?

Începe să înveți cum îți poți schimba perspectiva și elimina limitările, care te blochează de la a percepe, a știi, a fi și a primi tot ce ai putea.

Cand vei muri, ai vrea ca oamenii să se gândească la tine în modul în care o fac acum cu entitățile?

TTTE Introducere este o clasă de două ore care e un mod minunat de a începe ‘Vorbește cu Entitățile’ și de a începe să vezi adâncurile acestei munci. E de asemenea și startul pentru clasa TTTE Începutul.

TTTE Introducere are loc în 13 septembrie, orele 19-21, în București.

Preț Intro: 380 ron

Alătură-te clasei Vorbește cu Entitățile Începutul, unde vei învăța cum să-ți dezvolți propria conștientizare și să schimbi modul în care vezi și lucrezi cu lumea spiritelor.

Folosind instrumentele și procesele Access Consciousness®, vei obține o mai mare claritate referitoare la magia și ușurința pe care lumea spiritelor o poate avea cu adevărat, în timp ce simultan vei scăpa de toate dificultățile și reacțiile pe care le ai față de conștientizarea entităților.

Dobândirea unei conștientizări mai mari față de lumea spiritelor va spori ușurința și conștiința întregii tale vieți.

Cum ar fi dacă entitățile sunt în jurul nostru și este natural și normal să le vedem, să le percepem, să le simțim și chiar să comunicăm cu ele?
Mulți oameni sunt considerați greșit și conduși către diferite grade de agitație, depresie și, în cazurile severe, de nebunie datorită capacitățile lor nerecunoscute și neînțelese pe care le au cu lumea spiritelor. Dacă ești unul dintre acești oameni sau cunoști pe cineva care este așa, atunci Vorbește cu Entitățile este pentru tine!

Unele dintre subiectele abordate în această serie vor fi:
• Introducere la procesele Access Consciousness
• Trecerea de la frică către potența cu entitățile
• Să scapi de toate minciunile pe care le-ai cumpărat despre entități
• Tot ce ar fi trebuit să fi ți se spună despre entități și nu ți s-a spus
• Identificarea semnelor conștientizării entităților
• Curățarea și comunicarea cu entitățile
• Diferite tipuri de entități
• Și mult, mult mai mult

Bine ai venit la o nouă modalitate de a fi în lume și deschide-te puterii profunde care poate fi lucrul cu entitățile.

Ce știi și pretinzi că nu știi sau negi că știi?

Cum ar fi dacă a fi conștient de entități este o potență și un dar?

Dorești să înveți cum să te descurci și să lucrezi cu toate entitățile și energiile de care ești conștient sau pretinzi că nu ești conștient? Și ce zici despre a scăpa de tot de toată frica și rezistența față de conștientizarea entităților?

Clasa de Început are loc în 14 și 15 septembrie, orele 10.00-17.00, în București.

Preț clasa întreagă: 6400 RON/ 4480 RON prețul de repetare a clasei, pentru cei cu reședința în România.

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Clasa Vorbește cu entitățile în București
from €72.00
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Talk To The Entities INTERMEDIATE Class in Izmir, Turkey and online

Talk To The Entities INTERMEDIATE Class in Izmir, Turkey and online

Entitilerle Konuşma Başlangıç’ın temel araçlarını keşfettiğinize göre, Orta Seviye sınıfıyla ruhlar dünyasıyla etkileşiminizi artırmaya hazır mısınız?

İletişim kapasitenizi genişletin ve verilmekte olan hediyelere daha fazla açılın.

Hala hangi sorularınız var ve hangi farkındalıkları keşfetmek isterdiniz?

Geniş araçlar ve bilgilerle dolu Orta seviye el kitapçığını alın.

Her şeyin farkındalığı hayatınızı büyütecek. Şimdi seçim sizin.

Bu, gelecekteki tüm İleri seviye sınıflar için YENİ bir ön koşuldur.

Saat ve tarih: 12 Ağustos - 10:00 - 16:00

Buradan Kaydolun:

Entitilerle Konuşmak Orta Seviye Sınıfı İzmir, Türkiye & online
from €438.75
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Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class in Izmir, Turkey and online
to Aug 11

Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class in Izmir, Turkey and online

Ruhların dünyasına dair farkındalığınızı kapatmak için ne kadar enerji kullanıyorsunuz?

Varlıklarla Konuşmak, dünyayı yepyeni bir şekilde görmeye giriş niteliğindedir.

Ya ruhların dünyası korkulacak bir şey değil de üzerinde ve etrafında çalışılacak bir şey olsaydı?

Size varlıklar nasıl öğretildi? İyi mi, kötü mü yoksa hiç mi öğretilmedi?

Öldüğünüzde insanların hakkınızda sizin şimdi varlıklar hakkında düşündüğünüz gibi düşünmesini mi isterdiniz?

Bakış açınızı nasıl değiştirebileceğinizi öğrenmeye başlayın. Ve sizi algılayıp, bilip, olup, ve alıp kabul edebileceğiniz her şeyi algılamak, bilmek, olmak ve alıp kabul etmekten alıkoyan kısıtlamalardan kurtulun

Entitilerle Konuşmanın Başlangıcında bize katılın. Burada kendi farkındalığınızı nasıl geliştireceğinizi ve ruh dünyasına bakışınızı ve onunla çalışma şeklinizi nasıl değiştireceğinizi öğreneceksiniz.

TTTE, varlıklarla başa çıkmak için dünyanın en kapsamlı, kolay, güçlendirici ve sihirli programıdır. Varlıkların farkındaysanız  ve onlarla nasıl daha iyi başa çıkacağınızı öğrenmek istediğinizi biliyorsanız, ya da bu dersle neden ilgilendiğinize dair hiçbir fikriniz olmasa da... Daha önce hiç olmadığı kadar bir farkındalık açılımı yaşayacaksınız.

Farkındalığınızın ne kadarı bu gerçekliğe göre kavranamaz? Başkalarının aklına gelmeyecek bir şey olmamak için ne kadarınızı kendinizden bile sakladınız? Varlıklar çoğu kişi için anlaşılmaz olabilir ve hepimiz bu alana adım attığımız zaman bu kişiler azınlığa dönüşecek. Daha büyük farkındalığın kapısını açtığımızda her şey çok daha eğlenceli olacak.

Ya varlık farkındalığı bir güç ve hediye ise?

Farkında olduğunuz veya farkında değilmiş gibi davrandığınız tüm varlıklar ve enerjilerle nasıl başa çıkacağınızı ve onlarla nasıl çalışacağınızı öğrenmek istiyor musunuz? Peki ya gerçekten varlık farkındalığına yönelik tüm korku ve direncin üstesinden gelmeye ne dersiniz?

Access Consciousness®'un araçlarını ve süreçlerini kullanarak, ruhlar dünyasının gerçekten var olabileceği sihir ve kolaylıkla daha fazla netlik kazanırken aynı zamanda varlık farkındalığına yönelik olarak sahip olabileceğiniz tüm zorluklardan ve tepkilerden kurtulacaksınız.

Ruh dünyası ile daha fazla bilinç kazanmak, tüm hayatınızın rahatlığını ve bilincini artıracaktır.

Ya varlıklar etrafımızdaysa ve onları görmek, algılamak, hissetmek ve hatta onlarla iletişim kurmak doğal ve normalse?

Pek çok insan, ruhlar dünyası ile ilgili kabul edilmeyen ve yanlış anlaşılan kapasiteleri nedeniyle yanlış yönlendirilir ve değişen düzeylerde endişeye, depresyona ve ciddi vakalarda deliliğe sürüklenir. Eğer siz de bu insanlardan biriyseniz veya öyle olan birini tanıyorsanız, Varlıklarla (Entitilerle) Konuşun tam size göre!

Bu seride ele alınan konulardan bazıları şunlardır:

  • Access Consciousness Proseslerine Giriş

  • Varlıklarla İlgili Korkudan Kurtulup Kudrete Erişmek

  • Varlıklar hakkında satın aldığınız tüm yalanlardan kurtulmak

  • Size Varlıklar hakkında söylenmesi gereken ve söylenmemiş olan her şey 

  • Varlık farkındalığı işaretlerinizi tespit etmek

  • Varlıkları temizlemek ve onlarla iletişim kurmak 

  • Farklı Varlık Türleri

  • Ve çok daha fazlası!

Saat ve tarih: 9 Ağustos - 19:00 - 21:00 - Giriş Sınıfı

10 ve 11 Ağustos - 10:00 - 17:00 - Başlangıç Sınıfı

Buradan Kaydolun:

Entitilerle Konuşmak Giriş ve Başlangıç Sınıfı İzmir, Türkiye
from €67.50
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Foundation Class in Skalica, Slovakia
to Jun 2

Foundation Class in Skalica, Slovakia

What if you could have the tools and support to create the life you’ve always known should be possible?

The Foundation is a 4 day class in Access Consciousness that you can choose after taking a Bars class. It provides hundreds of tools, including some hands-on body processes, that allow you to change anything that isn’t working for you in your life.

If you could change anything, what would it be?

Whatever it is for you, it is possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.

You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility, so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What if you could generate anything you desire with ease? Money, sex and contribution to the earth are just the start!

“I had all my reasons and justifications in place. Going to Foundation wasn’t even something I could think of at the time. Then my friend and facilitator asked me, ‘why do you always have an excuse not to do it? Access Bars saved your life from what you have said. Is it possible your life could continue to get even better?’ So I gave up my excuses and chose it. I sat there in Foundation class reading 12 pages ahead of everyone else because it was so amazing! It was like someone had put everything I’ve known existed in the world in a book! So my question to you my friend – could your life actually get even greater? :-)” – Dr. Dain Heer

Foundation class, facilitated by Lorena Vlașin in Skalica, Slovakia

30th may - 6-8pm

31st May, 1st June, 2nd June - 10am-5pm

Lorena became an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator when she was 17, in only several months after she found about Access. She created everything from the willingness to be, have and create something different, that what she always knew she was. 

Now, she facilitates different Access Consciousness classes around the world and empowers people to choose more for them and of them.

She’s a bundle of joy and fun, Ease being her middle name.

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Foundation class
from €845.00
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Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class in Izmir, Turkey
to Apr 28

Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class in Izmir, Turkey

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?   

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

What kind of entity education were you given? A good one, a bad one or any at all?

When you die, would you like people to think about you the way you do about entities now?

Start to learn how you can change your perspective and remove the limitations you have put in place that block you from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving all that you can.

Join us for Talk To The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

TTTE is the worlds most comprehensive, easy, empowering and magical program for dealing with entities. Whether you are aware of entities and know you would like to learn how to deal with them better or you have no idea why you are interested in this class... you will receive an opening of awareness like never before.

How much of your awareness is inconceivable to this reality? How much of you have you hidden from even you in order to not be what is inconceivable to others? Entities may be inconceivable to many and that many will become the few as we all step up. There is so much fun to be had when we open the door to greater awareness.

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness. 

Gaining greater consciousness with the spirit world will enhance the ease and consciousness of your entire life.

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them?

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

Some of the subjects covered in this series will be:

  • Introduction to the Access Consciousness Processes

  • Getting out of Fear and into Potency with Entities

  • Getting rid of all the lies you have bought about entities

  • Everything you should have been told about Entities that you weren’t

  • Identifying your Entity awareness signs

  • Clearing and Communicating with Entities

  • Different Kinds of Entities

  • And much, much more!

Time and date: 26th of April - 19.00-21.00 - Introduction Class

27, 28th of April - 10.00-17.00 - Beginning Class

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Fundația Românească în București
to Mar 17

Fundația Românească în București

Cum ar fi dacă ai avea instrumentele și suportul pentru a crea viața ce ai știut întotdeauna că este posibilă?

Fundația este o clasă de 4 zile din Access Consciousness, ce o poți alege după ce ai participat la o clasă de Bars. Îți oferă sute de instrumente, inclusiv câteva procese de corp, ce îți permit să schimbi orice din viața ta ce nu funcționează pentru tine.
Dacă ai putea schimba orice, ce ai schimba?

Indiferent de ce este pentru tine, este posibil. Mii de persoane din întreaga lume și-au creat viața ce și-o doresc, doar folosind instrumentele ușoare și pragmatice din Access Consciousness®, care îți vor fi prezentate în clasa de Fundație.

Ți se va da o întreagă trusă de instrumente ce îți va permite să spargi fundația limitărilor din care funcționăm atât de des, și să construiești o nouă fundație, a posibilităților infinite, astfel încât să poți începe să creezi viața pe care ți-o dorești cu adevărat.

Cum ar fi dacă ai putea genera cu ușurință orice îți dorești? Bani, sex și contribuție pentru Pământ sunt doar începutul.

”Aveam toate motivele și justificările la locul lor. Să merg la Fundație nici măcar nu era ceva la care mă puteam gândi atunci. Apoi prietenul și facilitatorul meu m-a întrebat ”de ce ai mereu o scuză să nu o faci? Din câte ai spus, Access Bars ți-a salvat viața. Este posibil ca viața ta să continue să devină chiar mai bună?” Așa că am renunțat la scuzele ce le aveam și am ales-o. Am stat acolo în clasa de Fundație, citind 12 pagini înaintea tuturor pentru că era atât de uimitor. Era ca și cum cineva a pus într-o carte tot ce știam că există în lume! Deci, întrebarea mea pentru tine, prietene – ar putea viața ta să devină și mai măreață? :-)” – Dr. Dain Heer.

Precondiții: Clasa Access Bars

Dată: 14 martie de la 19 la 21

15, 16, 17 martie de la 10.00 la 17.00

Preț: 8800 RON/ 4400 RON prețul de repetare a clasei, pentru cei cu reședința în România.

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House and Space Clearing from A-Z Specialty Class

House and Space Clearing from A-Z Specialty Class

Screenshot 2021-07-30 at 09.00.37.png

Learn how to clear all entities and energies that make a house, building or land funky or stuck. These are incredibly easy, yet powerful tools and processes that will ‘un-haunt’ any house and clear any space! 

Ready to know how to handle all entities and all energies that are haunting or creating disruption in any house, building, structure, even property or land?

Do you ever catch your pets looking at something invisible..?

Do you have that "one room" in the house that you just don't go into?

Are you aware of negative, destructive and depressed energies in your house or business?

Do you think ghosts are bullshit and would just like to clear all the heavy negative energies in your house?

Discover all the practical and pragmatic ways to clear any house, building or land.

You will be amazed by the ease and space you will be able to create. Have fun!

Date and time: November 2, 7-9pm Central European Time, online

Price: 200€, country pricing applies

House Clearing from A to Z Specialty Class
from €150.00
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Curs Access Bars în București

Curs Access Bars în București

Cum ar fi ca tot ce n-a funcționat în viața ta până acum să se schimbe?

Și ce anume știai întotdeaună că există, dar n-ai știut sub ce formă, unde, când și cum s-o alegi?

Access Bars sunt făcute ca să creeze mai multă conștiință pentru tine, corpul tău și planeta noastră. Barele sunt 32 de puncte de la nivelul capului tău, care, odată atinse, eliberează încărcătura electromagnetică a tuturor gândurilor, ideilor, atitudinilor, deciziilor, credințelor și a tot ce nu te lasă să primești mai mult. E ca și cum ai apăsa pe butonul de ștergere de pe computerul tău. Toate gândurile, sentimentele, emoțiile care te țin blocat, care te țin în repetarea unor tipare, din nou și din nou, se eliberează.

Cât de des, renunțăm la barierele noastre și îi permitem celeilalte persoane să ne dăruiască ceva, cu adevărat? A învăța să primești e cheia pentru a invita în viața ta mai mult din ceea ce ceri să ai. Access Bars facilitează primirea, diferit față de orice modalitate din realitatea asta.

Îți aduci aminte ultimul moment din viața ta când ai fost complet relaxat, hrănit și îngrijit? Sau a trecut ceva vreme de când ai primit vindecare și bunătate fără nicio judecată asupra corpului sau ființei tale?

Acest proces de corp, dinamic și blând a ajutat mii de oameni să schimbe multe aspecte ale corpului și vieții lor, cum ar fi insomnii, dureri corporale, depresie, stres, dependențe, etichete și dizabilități și multe altele. Ce s-ar putea schimba pentru tine și întreaga lume? 

*după curs vei deveni Practician Certificat Access Bars.

14 octombrie în București de la 10.00 la 17.00

Preț: 1460 lei, dacă ești cetățean român și e prima ta clasă de Bars

730 lei, dacă repeți clasa sau ai între 16 și 18 ani.

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Entities and Relationships Specialty Class

Entities and Relationships Specialty Class

Entities and relationships may seem like a strange match to most, so let me ask you some questions:

Do entities have an influence on your relationships?
How many relationships with entities do you have that you may not be acknowledging?
How often do our relationships have a life force of their own?

Entities and relationships can show up in a myriad of forms, all of which can make or break our relationships.

Let’s learn how to identify the entities that do not serve the relationships we wish to have in the world and also how to work with those that will inspire, expand and support the relationships we do wish to have in the world.

If your relationship were an entity, what would it say?

Date and time: October 12, 7pm to 9pm Central European Time, online

Price: 200€, country pricing applies

Entities and Relationships Specialty Class
from €150.00
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Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Dubai, UAE
to Oct 8

Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Dubai, UAE

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?   

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

What kind of entity education were you given? A good one, a bad one or any at all?

When you die, would you like people to think about you the way you do about entities now?

Start to learn how you can change your perspective and remove the limitations you have put in place that block you from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving all that you can.

Join us for Talk To The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

TTTE is the worlds most comprehensive, easy, empowering and magical program for dealing with entities. Whether you are aware of entities and know you would like to learn how to deal with them better or you have no idea why you are interested in this class... you will receive an opening of awareness like never before.

How much of your awareness is inconceivable to this reality? How much of you have you hidden from even you in order to not be what is inconceivable to others? Entities may be inconceivable to many and that many will become the few as we all step up. There is so much fun to be had when we open the door to greater awareness.

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness. 

Gaining greater consciousness with the spirit world will enhance the ease and consciousness of your entire life.

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them?

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

Some of the subjects covered in this series will be:

  • Introduction to the Access Consciousness Processes

  • Getting out of Fear and into Potency with Entities

  • Getting rid of all the lies you have bought about entities

  • Everything you should have been told about Entities that you weren’t

  • Identifying your Entity awareness signs

  • Clearing and Communicating with Entities

  • Different Kinds of Entities

  • And much, much more!

Time and date: 6th of October - 8 to 10pm Dubai Time - Introduction Class

7, 8th of October - 11am to 6pm Dubai Time - Beginning Class

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Money & Entities Specialty Class

Money & Entities Specialty Class

What if a willingness to receive from entities could totally contribute to your money flows?

What if there were spirits who could and would assist you with money?

Have you been asking??

See who and what you can work with to make money a magical adventure rather than a desperate necessity. 

Date and time: October 5, 7-9pm Central European Time, online.

Price: 200€, country pricing applies

Money & Entities Specialty Class
from €150.00
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Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Mumbai, India
to Aug 27

Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Mumbai, India

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?   

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

What kind of entity education were you given? A good one, a bad one or any at all?

When you die, would you like people to think about you the way you do about entities now?

Start to learn how you can change your perspective and remove the limitations you have put in place that block you from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving all that you can.

Join us for Talk To The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

TTTE is the worlds most comprehensive, easy, empowering and magical program for dealing with entities. Whether you are aware of entities and know you would like to learn how to deal with them better or you have no idea why you are interested in this class... you will receive an opening of awareness like never before.

How much of your awareness is inconceivable to this reality? How much of you have you hidden from even you in order to not be what is inconceivable to others? Entities may be inconceivable to many and that many will become the few as we all step up. There is so much fun to be had when we open the door to greater awareness.

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness. 

Gaining greater consciousness with the spirit world will enhance the ease and consciousness of your entire life.

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them?

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

Some of the subjects covered in this series will be:

  • Introduction to the Access Consciousness Processes

  • Getting out of Fear and into Potency with Entities

  • Getting rid of all the lies you have bought about entities

  • Everything you should have been told about Entities that you weren’t

  • Identifying your Entity awareness signs

  • Clearing and Communicating with Entities

  • Different Kinds of Entities

  • And much, much more!

Co-facilitated by Nishita Gupta and Lorena Vlașin

Time and date: 25th of August - 6 to 8pm - Introduction Class

26, 27th of August - 10am to 5pm - Beginning Class

Register here:

Entitilerle Konuşmak Giriş ve Başlangıç Sınıfı İzmir, Türkiye
from €67.50
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Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Cairo
to Apr 4

Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Cairo

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?   

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

What kind of entity education were you given? A good one, a bad one or any at all?

When you die, would you like people to think about you the way you do about entities now?

Start to learn how you can change your perspective and remove the limitations you have put in place that block you from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving all that you can.

Join us for Talk To The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

TTTE is the worlds most comprehensive, easy, empowering and magical program for dealing with entities. Whether you are aware of entities and know you would like to learn how to deal with them better or you have no idea why you are interested in this class... you will receive an opening of awareness like never before.

How much of your awareness is inconceivable to this reality? How much of you have you hidden from even you in order to not be what is inconceivable to others? Entities may be inconceivable to many and that many will become the few as we all step up. There is so much fun to be had when we open the door to greater awareness.

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness. 

Gaining greater consciousness with the spirit world will enhance the ease and consciousness of your entire life.

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them?

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

Some of the subjects covered in this series will be:

  • Introduction to the Access Consciousness Processes

  • Getting out of Fear and into Potency with Entities

  • Getting rid of all the lies you have bought about entities

  • Everything you should have been told about Entities that you weren’t

  • Identifying your Entity awareness signs

  • Clearing and Communicating with Entities

  • Different Kinds of Entities

  • And much, much more!

Time and date: 3rd of April - 10 to 12pm Cairo Time - Introduction Class

3rd, 4th of April - 12pm to 5pm Cairo Time - Beginning Class

Register here:

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Clase Procese de corp în București
to Mar 21

Clase Procese de corp în București

Cine te-a învățat despre corpul tău?

Cât de mult din cunoștințele pe care le ai despre corpul tău sunt învățate din opinii și concluzii despre ceea ce este corect și bun?

Dacă ai începe să-ți asculți corpul? Ce funcționează pentru corpul tău de fapt?

Cum te poate ajuta corpul să-ți creezi viața, dacă nu ai mai funcționa din minciunile cumpărate de la alții despre el sau create de tine însuți?

Sunteți invitați la 2 cursuri cu cele mai noi proces de corp din Access Consciousness.

Duminică, 19 martie, orele 13.00-15.30 - Proces de Corp: CAPACITATEA DE SCHIMBARE COMPLETĂ A PLANETEI - 350 ron

Marți, 21 martie, orele 19.00-21.30 - NOUL PROCES PT TULBURAREA DE STRES POST-TRAUMATIC - 350 Ron

Fiecare participant va învăța procesul de corp, primindu-l și făcându-l.

Diplomă și manual - ulterior poți face acest proces pe clienții și prietenii tăi, sau chiar pe tine.

Înregistrează-te aici pentru procesul de corp dorit:

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Body Process Class in Kosice, Slovakia

Body Process Class in Kosice, Slovakia

What if embodiment was about the joy of it: the ease, joy, and glory?

Will you let your body show you the way?

An Access Consciousness Body Process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body while asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. The energies are the natural energies that bodies are and have access to from everywhere in the universe.

In a body process class you learn to do individual body processes on yourself and others. The beauty of the body processes is that you do not have to understand them for them to work. You do not have to believe in them. All it takes is being present, addressing the body you will be working on, putting your hands on the body and calling in specific energies to run.

11 February - 19.00 - 22.00 - Melting of All Reflexive Realities & the Reactive State of Being on Planet Earth

Reflex realities are the automatic point to go back to reassert who, what, where, when, why and how you are, so you don’t have to change any part of who you are.

Reflex realities allow you to be in judgment of you without the necessity of having the wrongness of you, so you get to judge yourself and not make yourself wrong for the judgment.

Reflexive realities are why you keep doing the same thing over and over again thinking you are going to get a different result.

Ready to change that?

Each participant will learn the body process by receiving it and offering it.

You will also receive a manual and a certificate - later you can do this process on your clients and friends, or even on yourself.

Location: Kosice, Slovakia - private venue, you will receive the location after registration

Investment: 70€

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Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Kosice, Slovakia
to Feb 12

Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Kosice, Slovakia

Koľko energie používate na zablokovanie si vášho vedomia o entitovskom svete?

Hovorte s entitami je úvod k tomu vidieť svet úplne novým spôsobom.

Čo ak by svet entít nebol niečo, čoho sa musíte báť, ale skôr niečo, s čím môžete pracovať a spolupracovať?

Aké vzdelanie o entitách ste dostali? Dobré, zlé alebo vôbec žiadne?

Keď raz zomriete, chceli by ste, aby vás ľudia brali tak, ako teraz beriete entity vy?

Začnite sa vzdelávať v tom, ako môžete zmeniť váš pohľad a odstrániť limitácie, ktoré ste prebrali a ktoré vás udržujú od vnímania, vedenia, bytia a prijímania všetkého, čo prijímať môžete.

Pridajte sa k nám na Začiatočnícky kurz Hovorenia s entitami, kde sa naučíte ako si vybudovať svoje vlastné vedomie a ako zmeniť spôsob, ako vidíte a pracuje so svetom entít.

TTTE je celosvetovo najľahšie uchopiteľný, ľahký, posilňovací a čarovný program na vysporiadavanie sa s entitami. Či už ste si vedomí entít a viete, že by ste sa chceli naučiť, ako s nimi zaobchádzať lepšie alebo nemáte ani šajnu o tom, prečo vlastne máte záujem o tento kurz… dostanete otvorenia vedomia ako nikdy predtým.

Koľko z vášho vedomia je nepochopiteľné pre túto realitu? Koľko zo seba ste ukryli aj pred samým sebou, aby ste neboli nepochopiteľní pre ostatných? Entity môžu byť pre mnohých nepochopiteľné a z tých mnohých bude postupne málo, keď si všetci dovolíme urobiť krok vopred. Existuje toľko veľa zábavy, keď si dovolíme otvoriť dvere k väčšiemu vedomiu.

Čo ak by vedomie si entít bolo silou a darom?

Túžite po tom vedieť ako pracovať s entitami a energiami, ktorých ste si vedomí a predstierate, že si ich vedomí nie ste? A čo tak prekonať všetok strach a odpor k vedomiu si entít, ale naozaj?

Používaním nástrojov a procesov Access Consciousness® získate väčšiu jasnosť s kúzlom a ľahkosťou, akou môže svet entít skutočne byť a zároveň sa zbavíte všetkej ťažkosti a reakcií, ktoré môžete mať voči vedomiu si entít.

Získanie väčšieho vedomia so svetom entít vám zväčší ľahkosť a vedomie vo vašom celom živote.

Čo ak sú entity všade okolo nás a je úplne prirodzené a normálne ich vidieť, vnímať ich, cítiť ich a aj s nimi komunikovať?

Veľa ľudí bolo považovaných za nesprávnych a privedených k rôznym levelom hnevu, depresie a vo vážnejších prípadoch až k šialenstvu tým, že nikto neuznal a neporozumel tomu, že mali kapacity so svetom entít. Ak ste jeden z týchto ľudí alebo poznáte niekoho takého, tak potom je Hovorte s entitami pre vás!

Niektoré témy, ktoré sa preberajú na tomto kurze sú:

  • Úvod k Access Consciousness procesom

  • Zbavenie sa strachu a uplatnenie si svojej sily s entitami

  • Zbavenie sa všetkých klamstiev, ktoré ste nakúpili o entitách

  • Všetko, čo vám malo byť povedané o entitách, čo nebolo

  • Identifikovanie vašich znakov vedomí si o entitách

  • Čistenie a komunikácia s entitami

  • Rôzne druhy entít

  • A omnoho, omnoho viac!

Čas a dátum:

10. február - 18:00-20:00 - Intro kurz

11.-12. február - 10:00-17:00 - Začiatočnícky kurz

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The Rich Bitch Guide
to Jan 1

The Rich Bitch Guide

Have you ever wanted to be a rich bitch?

Are you a rich bitch and want to make it ease and fun?

or… are you a bitch but not rich?

Now is the time!

Join us in a year long exploration and experience.

Time and Date: Starting January 2023

2 calls per month and a daily group with all the good bitch stuff!

The Rich Bitch Guide
from €470.00
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Foundation Class in Vladivostok, Russia and online
to Dec 4

Foundation Class in Vladivostok, Russia and online

What if you could have the tools and support to create the life you’ve always known should be possible?

The Foundation is a 4 day class in Access Consciousness that you can choose after taking a Bars class. It provides hundreds of tools, including some hands-on body processes, that allow you to change anything that isn’t working for you in your life.

If you could change anything, what would it be?

Whatever it is for you, it is possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.

You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility, so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What if you could generate anything you desire with ease? Money, sex and contribution to the earth are just the start!

“I had all my reasons and justifications in place. Going to Foundation wasn’t even something I could think of at the time. Then my friend and facilitator asked me, ‘why do you always have an excuse not to do it? Access Bars saved your life from what you have said. Is it possible your life could continue to get even better?’ So I gave up my excuses and chose it. I sat there in Foundation class reading 12 pages ahead of everyone else because it was so amazing! It was like someone had put everything I’ve known existed in the world in a book! So my question to you my friend – could your life actually get even greater? :-)” – Dr. Dain Heer

Foundation class, facilitated by Lorena Vlașin, 1-4th December, in Vladivostok, Russia and online

Lorena became an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator when she was 17, in only several months after she found about Access. She created everything from the willingness to be, have and create something different, that what she always knew she was. 

Now, she facilitates different Access Consciousness classes around the world and empowers people to choose more for them and of them.

She’s a bundle of joy and fun, Ease being her middle name.

Register here:

Foundation class
from €455.00
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Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Brno, Czech Republic
to Oct 30

Talk To The Entities Intro and Beginning Class - Brno, Czech Republic

Kolik energie používáš, abys zastavil své vědomí o světě duchů?

Mluvení s entitami je pozváním k tomu, abys začal vidět svět úplně novým způsobem.

Co kdyby svět duchů nebyl něčím, čeho se bojíš, ale byl něčím, s čím můžeš pracovat.

Jaké vzdělání o entitách jsi dostal? Dobré, špatné nebo vůbec žádné?

Až umřeš, chtěl bys, aby o tobě lidé přemýšleli tak, jak ty teď přemýšlíš o entitách?

Začni se učit, jak můžeš změnit to, jak se na svět entit díváš a odstranit omezení, které jsi si vytvořil, které ti nedovolí vnímat, vědět, být a přijímat vše, co můžeš.

Přidej se k nám na kurz Mluvení s entitami kurz pro začátečníky, kde se naučíš jak rozvinout své vědomí a změnit způsob jak se díváš na a pracuješ se světem duchů.

Mluvení s entitami je ucelený, jednoduchý, posilující program pro práci s entitami. Ať už jsi si entit vědom a chtěl by ses naučit jak s nimi lépe zacházet nebo vůbec netušíš, proč tě zajímá tento kurz… otevře se ti vědomí jako nikdy dříve.

Kolik z tvého vědomí je nepředstavitelného pro tuto realitu? Kolik ze sebe schováváš dokonce sám před sebou, abys nebyl tím, co je nepochopitelné pro ostatní? Entity mohou být nepřijatelné pro mnoho lidí a z těch mnoha lidí se stane několik, když mi ostatní vystoupíme z řady. Může to být úžasná zábava, když otevřeme dveře k většímu vědomí.

Co když vědomí entit je potence a dar?

Toužíš se naučit jak zacházet a pracovat se všemi těmi entitami a energiemi, kterých jsi si vědom nebo, kterých předstíráš, že si vědom nejsi? A co, kdybys mohl překonat všechen strach a odpor spojený s vědomím entit, opravdu!?

 Když používáš nástroje a procesy Access Consciousness® získáš větší jasnost o kouzlu a lehkosti jakou může svět duchů ve skutečnosti být a současně s tím se zbavíš všech obtíží a reakcí, které bys mohl mít vůči vědomí entit.

Když získáš více vědomí ohledně světa duchů, zvýší se lehkost a vědomí v celém tvém životě.

Co když entity jsou okolo nás a je přirozené a normální je vidět, vnímat je, cítit je a dokonce s nimi komunikovat?

Hodně lidí je souzeno jako špatných a zahnáno do různé úrovně strachu, depresí a v těžkých případech do šílenství díky tomu že neuznávají a špatně chápou kapacity se světem duchů. Pokud jsi jedním z těchto lidí, a nebo znáš někoho, kdo je, pak je Mluvení s entitami pro tebe!

Tato série se bude zabývat například těmito tématy:

Úvod do procesů Access Consciousness

Dostat se ze strachu do potence s entitami

Zbavit se všech lží, které jsi o entitách nakoupil

Vše co ti mělo být řečeno o entitách, ale nebylo

Rozpoznání znamení toho, že jsi si vědom entit

Čištění entit a komunikace s nimi

Různé druhy entit

A mnohem, mnohem víc!


Datum a čas: 28. října, 18 - 20h, Úvodní kurz

29. - 30. října, 10 - 17h - kurz Mluvení s entitami pro začátečníky

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Foundation class in Reykjavik, Iceland and online
to Aug 28

Foundation class in Reykjavik, Iceland and online

What if you could have the tools and support to create the life you’ve always known should be possible?

The Foundation is a 4 day class in Access Consciousness that you can choose after taking a Bars class. It provides hundreds of tools, including some hands-on body processes, that allow you to change anything that isn’t working for you in your life.

If you could change anything, what would it be?

Whatever it is for you, it is possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.

You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility, so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.

What if you could generate anything you desire with ease? Money, sex and contribution to the earth are just the start!

“I had all my reasons and justifications in place. Going to Foundation wasn’t even something I could think of at the time. Then my friend and facilitator asked me, ‘why do you always have an excuse not to do it? Access Bars saved your life from what you have said. Is it possible your life could continue to get even better?’ So I gave up my excuses and chose it. I sat there in Foundation class reading 12 pages ahead of everyone else because it was so amazing! It was like someone had put everything I’ve known existed in the world in a book! So my question to you my friend – could your life actually get even greater? :-)” – Dr. Dain Heer

Foundation class, facilitated by Lorena Vlașin, from 25th to 28th of August, Reykjavik, Iceland & online.
On 25, 26 ( Thursday and Friday) to honour working hours, we will start the class at 5pm, and on the weekends day, as usual at 10am.

Lorena became an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator when she was 17, in only several months after she found about Access. She created everything from the willingness to be, have and create something different, that what she always knew she was. 

Now, she facilitates different Access Consciousness classes around the world and empowers people to choose more for them and of them.

She’s a bundle of joy and fun, Ease being her middle name.

Register here:

Foundation class
from €455.00
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Access Bars Class in Reykjavik, Iceland

Access Bars Class in Reykjavik, Iceland

What if there was an easy way to let go of all the thoughts, feelings and emotions that keep you stuck in your head? 
What if there was an easy way to get happy?

Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being?

There is a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease. 

Give yourself and anyone you know - like your clients, friends, family, co-workers - the care, kindness and nurturing you require, with total ease, by learning the Access Bars® technique. 

Hundreds of thousands of people have used Access Bars to change many aspects of their body and their life, including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more.

The first class in Access Consciousness is The Bars®. There are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive. It’s like hitting the delete button on your computer. All of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that keep you stuck, that keep you repeating the same patterns in your life over and over again, are released.

Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!

Thousands of people have used Access Bars to change many aspects of their body and their life, including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.

Taking the Access Bars class is a prerequisite for all Access Consciousness® Core classes as it allows your body to process and receive the changes you are choosing with ease.

What occurs during class?

This class is a one-day, hands-on class in which participants learn the Bars points and participate in gifting two Bars sessions and receiving two Bars sessions.

You can ask any questions! Each class is co-created with everyone who chooses to come to that particular class.

Time and date: 21 August, from 10am to 5pm Icelandic Time

Your investment: 47000 isk

23500 isk - if repeating the class

Register here:

Access Bars Class
from €100.00
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Relationship 911

Relationship 911

Have you ever expected from a relationship to give you what you think you are missing?

Or something that you could never have, enjoy and achieve by yourself?

That only that special-the one-significant other can be and do and give you that which you desire?

Ever made yourself wrong or not enough for your relationship not working?

Ever thought that you do not deserve and that is why your relationship is not working?

What if you are not fucked up actually?

What if you all that you are looking for is found in you?

And guess what, the bonus is that you will be able to create the right relationship for you, once you be all that you want for yourself.

We will explore being the source of power that creates possibility, choosing to be everything that you are without being defined by what others think you should be, knowing what you desire and how to get it, leading without controlling— and never competing with anyone.

We are looking forward to create a space where you can totally be vulnerable and potent with the truth of you, as a WOMAN, MAN and NOT ONLY, as A GIFT FOR THIS WORLD. 

Time and date: 1st of April, 9-10pm CEST

Your investment: 150€

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Money Come, Play!
to Mar 10

Money Come, Play!

Money come, play! - lorena - banner.png

Your point of view creates your reality. Let’s put it differently: Your points of view about money create your money reality and your space of being and functioning with them, spending them, creating them, having them. 

Was money always your struggle? 

Was money ever something you do not have to stress about? 

Were you manipulated by people for money? 

OR.. Is money manipulating you and your choices and your life?

This class is created to get you to the place where money is always a light possibility, not struggle, not pain.

Not only that you will be given the tools and support to create the money you’ve always known should be possible, but we will instill the genius-prosperous-infinite-potent capacities of being, having, creating money in your world. 

10 calls, each 30 to 45 mins, starting on 1st of March, 6pm CET.

Your investment for the whole class is 350€, country price applies too, you can select it at checkout. 

Another possibility we are offering you is to join just the first call for 50€, select FIRSTCALL at the country pricing.

What will this create for you and your money?

How have you decided money can come into your life?

Would you be willing to just play and make the money rain, snow, giggle, flow into your life, wallet, bank account and all the other places where you could have it?

Yes? Register here:

Money Come, Play!
from €50.00
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Curs Access Bars în Baia Mare

Curs Access Bars în Baia Mare

Cum ar fi ca tot ce n-a funcționat în viața ta până acum să se schimbe?

Și ce anume știai întotdeaună că există, dar n-ai știut sub ce formă, unde, când și cum s-o alegi?

Access Bars sunt făcute ca să creeze mai multă conștiință pentru tine, corpul tău și planeta noastră. Barele sunt 32 de puncte de la nivelul capului tău, care, odată atinse, eliberează încărcătura electromagnetică a tuturor gândurilor, ideilor, atitudinilor, deciziilor, credințelor și a tot ce nu te lasă să primești mai mult. E ca și cum ai apăsa pe butonul de ștergere de pe computerul tău. Toate gândurile, sentimentele, emoțiile care te țin blocat, care te țin în repetarea unor tipare, din nou și din nou, se eliberează.

Cât de des, renunțăm la barierele noastre și îi permitem celeilalte persoane să ne dăruiască ceva, cu adevărat? A învăța să primești e cheia pentru a invita în viața ta mai mult din ceea ce ceri să ai. Access Bars facilitează primirea, diferit față de orice modalitate din realitatea asta.

Îți aduci aminte ultimul moment din viața ta când ai fost complet relaxat, hrănit și îngrijit? Sau a trecut ceva vreme de când ai primit vindecare și bunătate fără nicio judecată asupra corpului sau ființei tale?

Acest proces de corp, dinamic și blând a ajutat mii de oameni să schimbe multe aspecte ale corpului și vieții lor, cum ar fi insomnii, dureri corporale, depresie, stres, dependențe, etichete și dizabilități și multe altele. Ce s-ar putea schimba pentru tine și întreaga lume? 

*după curs vei deveni Practician Certificat Access Bars.

Preț: 950 lei, dacă ești cetățean român și e prima ta clasă de Bars

475 lei, dacă repeți clasa sau ai între 16 și 18 ani.

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Access Bars Class
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Curs Access Facelift în Baia Mare

Curs Access Facelift în Baia Mare

Ți-ar plăcea să reduci efectele bolii, îmbătrânirii și durerii asupra organismului?
Mai multă energie orgasmică, creativă și veselă?
Dacă îmbătrânirea e doar un punct de vedere?

Access Facelift este o modalitate minunată de ȋntinerire a feței şi de inversare a semnelor de ȋmbătrȃnire de pe față şi din tot corpul.

Access Energetic Facelift este un instrument care dă corpului oportunitatea de a aduce la suprafață și de a transforma o mulțime de energii care te limitează cât și judecați care s-au solidificat in fața, pieptul și corpul tău.
Este o tehnică dinamică de regenerare și întinerire a feței și corpului și chiar a întregii vieți.
Acest proces de corp bland te va învăța cum să-ți iubești mai mult corpul, cum să devii mai conectat cu corpul tău și cum să îți recreezi zilnic corpul dintr-un spațiu și o energie diferită.

Atingerea delicată și reconfortantă aplicată pe fața și pe gâtul tău lucrează ȋmpreună cu celulele corpului tău ca acestea să se refacă, să se activeze şi să ȋntinerească.

Oamenii au semnalat schimbări ȋn următoarele aspecte:
Luminozitatea și strălucirea feței
Elasticitatea pielii
Claritatea vederii
Strălucirea părului
Fermitatea sȃnilor şi a feselor
Energie sporită
Nivel de relaxare crescut

Ce se petrece ȋn timpul clasei?

Aceasta este o clasă de o zi, ȋn care participanții ȋnvață Facelift-ul Access şi ȋn care oferă şi primesc cȃte două sesiuni.

Ȋn timpul clasei lucrezi cu energiile din față şi din corp şi, pe măsură ce le aplici, descoperi ce anume poate fi eliberat.

Odată ce ne debarasăm de judecățile pe care le proiectăm zilnic ȋn oglindă asupra fețelor şi corpurilor noastre, corpul nostru are spațiu să se regenereze.

1200 lei, dacă ești locuitor român și este prima ta clasă de Access Energetic Facelift.
600 lei, dacă repeți clasa sau dacă ai 16-17 ani.

Ce altceva mai este posibil?

Ȋnvață Facelift-ul Access cu un prieten sau doi astfel ȋncȃt să oferiți şi să primiți săptămȃnal beneficiile acestui proces dinamic.

Facelift-ul Access poate fi, de asemenea, un adaos strălucit la orice afacere ȋn care lucrezi cu clienți şi corpurile lor - ȋnfrumusețare, wellness, masaj şi altele. Extinde-ți clientela şi gama de servicii pe care o oferi. *După curs, devii practician certificat recunoscut Access Consciousness Facelift.

Poți pune orice ȋntrebare ȋn timpul clasei! Fiecare clasă este o co-creație a tuturor celor care aleg să participe la acea clasă.

Mai multe despre Access Facelift: https://youtu.be/tnMjn4K6dvI

Facelift Class
from €125.00
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online Access Bars Class

online Access Bars Class

Access Consciousness offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way, and to change the things in your life that you haven't been able to change until now. It empowers you to know that you know and provides you with ways to become totally aware and to begin to function as the conscious being you truly are.

Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about? Any limitations that you create in your life are connected to your thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs about it. Lightly touch the bars-points and you begin to clear away what’s locked up that keeps you from believing you can have the life you’ve always known is possible.

Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more.

Date and Time: January 2, 10am - 5pm CEST

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Access Bars Class
from €100.00
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The New Talk To The Entities Beginning Teleseries
to Dec 30

The New Talk To The Entities Beginning Teleseries

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?   

Who was actually scared of entities, you or someone you grew up with?

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

What kind of entity education were you given? A good one, a bad one or any at all?

Start to learn how you can change your perspective and remove the limitations you have put in place that block you from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving all that you can.

When you die, would you like people to think about you the way you do about entities now?

Join us for Talk To The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness. 

Gaining greater consciousness with the spirit world will enhance the ease and consciousness of your entire life.

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them?

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

Some of the subjects covered in this series will be:

  • Introduction to the Access Consciousness Processes

  • Getting out of Fear and into Potency with Entities

  • Getting rid of all the lies you have bought about entities

  • Everything you should have been told about Entities that you weren’t

  • Identifying your Entity awareness signs

  • Clearing and Communicating with Entities

  • Different Kinds of Entities

  • And much, much more!

Date and time: 27, 28, 29, 30th - 4 consecutive days @ 3 hours / day - 4pm CEST to 7pm CEST


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Asking and Receiving Telecall
to Dec 23

Asking and Receiving Telecall

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Debunking LOVE Call

Debunking LOVE Call

Debunking (Presentation).png
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The NEW Talk To The Entities online
to Oct 31

The NEW Talk To The Entities online

How much energy do you use to block your awareness of the spirit world?   

Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.

What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?

What kind of entity education were you given? A good one, a bad one or any at all?

When you die, would you like people to think about you the way you do about entities now?

Start to learn how you can change your perspective and remove the limitations you have put in place that block you from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving all that you can.

Join us for Talk To The Entities Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own awareness and change the way you see and work with the spirit world.

TTTE is the worlds most comprehensive, easy, empowering and magical program for dealing with entities. Whether you are aware of entities and know you would like to learn how to deal with them better or you have no idea why you are interested in this class... you will receive an opening of awareness like never before.

How much of your awareness is inconceivable to this reality? How much of you have you hidden from even you in order to not be what is inconceivable to others? Entities may be inconceivable to many and that many will become the few as we all step up. There is so much fun to be had when we open the door to greater awareness.

What if entity awareness is a potency and gift?

Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness. 

Gaining greater consciousness with the spirit world will enhance the ease and consciousness of your entire life.

What if entities are all around us and it is natural and normal to see them, perceive them, sense them and even communicate with them?

Many people are made wrong and driven to varying levels of angst, depression and in severe cases insanity by their un-acknowledged and misunderstood capacities with the spirit world. If you are one of these people or know someone who is, then Talk to The Entities is for you!

Some of the subjects covered in this series will be:

  • Introduction to the Access Consciousness Processes

  • Getting out of Fear and into Potency with Entities

  • Getting rid of all the lies you have bought about entities

  • Everything you should have been told about Entities that you weren’t

  • Identifying your Entity awareness signs

  • Clearing and Communicating with Entities

  • Different Kinds of Entities

  • And much, much more!

Time and date: 29, 30, 31 October

29th of October - Introduction class - from 6pm to 8pm Mexico time

30, 31th of October - Beginning class - from 10am to 5pm Mexico time

Pricing: from 1375$* - check your price or pay down below.

Register here:

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