What if you could have the tools and support to create the life you’ve always known should be possible?
The Foundation is a 4 day class in Access Consciousness that you can choose after taking a Bars class. It provides hundreds of tools, including some hands-on body processes, that allow you to change anything that isn’t working for you in your life.
If you could change anything, what would it be?
Whatever it is for you, it is possible. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire by using the simple and pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness® that you will be introduced to in the Foundation class.
You will be given a whole toolbox that will allow you to break apart the foundation of limitation that we so often function from and build a new foundation, one of limitless possibility, so that you can begin to create the life you truly desire.
What if you could generate anything you desire with ease? Money, sex and contribution to the earth are just the start!
“I had all my reasons and justifications in place. Going to Foundation wasn’t even something I could think of at the time. Then my friend and facilitator asked me, ‘why do you always have an excuse not to do it? Access Bars saved your life from what you have said. Is it possible your life could continue to get even better?’ So I gave up my excuses and chose it. I sat there in Foundation class reading 12 pages ahead of everyone else because it was so amazing! It was like someone had put everything I’ve known existed in the world in a book! So my question to you my friend – could your life actually get even greater? :-)” – Dr. Dain Heer
Date&time: 13-18th may, your local time HERE.
6 days, 4 hours/day
Prerequisite: Access Bars Class
Pricing: 1400€ / 700€ repeating price.
Global, repeat and age pricing applies too.
You can pay HERE.