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Co-creating with your body

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Who told you that your body is you and you are your body and there is nothing else more?

What if you would allow your body to show you the way?

Do you know that 98% of the people live outside their bodies? Our body is the vessel for our being. The expression of all of your experiences, past present and future. The awesomeness is that your body shows you everything, even if  you want to look at it, to receive it or not.

What if you could walk on the earth naked, without anything to hide, gain or to loose?

What if body could be about something else, not hiding, gaining, losing...weight..or people?

We will dive in all the aspects of the experience of an infinite being having a body, what your body is or not, what aspects of it are asking to be acknowledged and what are you aware of that you never considered. Also we will explore accessing different capacities that you already have or that you are willing to embody.

Time&date: 17 may, 14.00-21.00 CEST, check your local time HERE.


100% country: 350 euro

80% country: 280 euro

65% country: 230 euro

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